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Events & Timeslots

Getting Started

What are Events?

Events are any planned social occasion. App events typically include community happenings or fitness classes.

Several categories of events can be created. Common event types used in the app include:

  • Regular events are one-time occurrences, such as an Independence Day celebration.
  • Recurring Regular events are used for the same events that occur more than once, such as regular fitness classes.
  • Multiday events are used when events last multiple days, such as photo contests.
  • Family events allow residents to register their children for a program or have age restrictions, such as a summer camp.

Utilize the Admin to create and edit events, fitness classes, and other activities that are taking place in your community.

Events can be viewed from several app locations: From the Home feed, in the Events or Community Calendar menus, and from List Events Smart Buttons.

To configure, see Create a New Event.

Create a New Event

To create a new Event, please follow the steps below:

● In the Admin sidebar, find and select Events & Timeslots.

● Select + New Event.

● Choose a Category.

- ○ Select Regular for one-time events.

- ○ Select Recurring Regular for any event that occurs on more than one date.

- ○ Select Multiday for any event that lasts multiple days.

- ○ Select Family for an event that has age restrictions or is for children.

● Enter the title of the event in the Name field.

● Enter the location in the Sub Title field.

● Select one or more Tags as needed to classify this event. For details on tags, see What are Tags?

● Add the event description in the Sub Text field.

● Select optional Triggers to push this event to the Home feed of the app. See What are Triggers?

● Select the appropriate event menu in the Custom Menus field. To create a new menu for your events, see Create a Custom Menu.

● Enable Reservation if RSVPs are necessary for your event. See Make an Event Reservable for additional details.

● Select the location page in the Location/Amenity/Page field.

● Click the calendar icon from the Date field to select the event date.

● Click the clock icon next to Open Time Local and Close Time Local to choose the start and end times for the event.

● Click Save.

● For Recurring Regular events, add the occurrences. See Set Dates on a Recurring Event.

To add an image, see Add an Image to an Event.


Do not set Triggers on every event created. We recommend 3-7 events per Trigger in order to highlight key events on the app Home feed.

Do not set Triggers on recurring events. Recurring events are listed on the Home feed using the first date of the recurrence, which may confuse users.

Edit an Event

To edit an Event, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Events & Timeslots.
  2. Find the desired event to edit, then click the pencil icon or click on the event Name.
  3. Modify event details as necessary.
  4. Click Save.

To add an image, see Add an Image to an Event.

Add an Image to an Event

To add an image to an Event, please follow the steps below:

1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Events & Timeslots.

2. Select the desired event.

3. Scroll to the bottom and click Add Resource.

4. Click Choose File to upload an image.

a. Please follow the Image Guidelines for event images.

5. Click Create.


An event must be Saved prior to adding an image.

Find an Event

To find an event, please follow the steps below:

1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Events & Timeslots.

2. Search by one or more of the following:

a. By name: In the Search Events & Timeslots field, type a word in the event name, then click Search.

b. After a certain date: In the Date After field, click the calendar icon to choose a date, then click Search.

c. By category: Use the Category menu to select a particular type of event, then click Search.

d. By P&A/Club: Use the P&A/Club menu to select a particular event location or club association, then click Search.


Within the Events & Timeslots list, you can also sort events by clicking any column like Name, Date, Category, P&A / Club, or Updated.

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