Amenity Reservations
Set Up Amenity Reservations
To set up reservations for amenities, please follow the steps below:
1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.
2. Select the desired amenity.
3. Click Reservable to enable amenity reservations.
4. Set options as needed. See the table below for details.
5. Click Save.
● Approve Automatically
○ If disabled, a community admin will need to approve each incoming reservation request. See Manage Pending Amenity Reservations for details on how to approve requests.
● Users Can Cancel Approved
○ If disabled, a community admin will need to cancel all reservations.
● Max Total Reservations per User in 24 Hours
○ If a limit is placed, this will stop a user from making a reservation after they have reached the applicable number.
● Max Total Reservations per Day
○ If a limit is placed, this will stop any user from making a reservation after the amenity reservations have reached the applicable number.
● Show Reservations Button
○ If disabled, the reservation button will not show on the page.
● Custom Reservation Button
○ Enter a value to change the label text. If no value is entered, the system will label the smart button to match the page name.
● Allow Reservations when Closed
○ If disabled, reservations are not allowed when the Reservable Location is closed.
● Cancellation Notice to Admin
○ If enabled, an email will be sent to the specified admin when cancellations occur.
● Reservation Price
○ If this reservation requires payment, please enter it here.
■ A payment system must be set up within your app to accept payments.
Choose one of the following two options: Enable Reservation Types or Enable Services
1. Enable Reservation Types
a. Enable to view the options menu, then select the checkbox for each reservation type to include. Enter in the amount each reservation type is to be charged. If new types are needed, see Create Reservation Types.
2. Enable Services
a. Enable to view and click + Add Service, then fill in the row with the applicable information.
i. Title: Name of service i.e., Facial, Half Hour Training, Swedish Massage.
ii. Duration: Expected time of service i.e., 30 mins, 45 mins.
iii. Price: Charge per service.
To specify restrictions on any reservable amenity, see Create a Reservation Restriction.
Manage Pending Amenity Reservations
Amenity Reservations are marked as pending when Approve Automatically is enabled in the page setup. See Set Up Amenity Reservations.
To approve or reject pending Amenity Reservations, please follow the steps below:
- In the Admin sidebar, find and select Reservations.
- All amenity reservations are listed here. Pending and Approved tags will appear in the Status column.
- Find and select any pending request, then click Open.
- Click Approve or Reject.
This will save the users Amenity Reservation(s). The user will receive a notification on their device confirming that their reservation has been approved.
Create a Manual Reservation on a Reservable Location Page
To create a reservation manually for a Reservable Location, please follow the steps below:
- In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.
- Find and edit the desired reservable location.
- Scroll down to the bottom, click Reservations.
- The current week will populate.
- Click Next 7 Days if needed to find your desired day and time. Take note of which timeslots are Available or Not Available.
- Click the desired timeslot.
- Click Disable Reservations.
- In the Note field, add any information for the reservation, such as the name of the user.
- Click Save Note.
View Amenity Reservations
To view reservable location reservations that have been made, you can access either the reservable location page itself or the Reservations menu within the admin.
To view an amenity reservation via a Reservable Location page, please follow the steps below:
- In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.
- Find and edit the desired reservable location.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, then click Reservations.
- The current week will populate.
- Click Next 7 Days to view upcoming Reservations. Take note of which timeslots are Available or Not Available.
To view an amenity reservation via the Reservations menu, please follow the steps below:
- In the Admin sidebar, find and select Reservations to view all amenity reservations.
- If desired, sort reservations by clicking any column like P&A (page name), User, Status, Date, or Requested.
- Click Open on any row to view details.
Reservations may be exported. See Export Reservations.
- If Approve Automatically is enabled for the reservable amenity, the reservation is immediately shown as Status = Approved.
- If Approve Automatically is disabled for the reservable amenity, the reservation is marked as Status = Pending until approved by a community admin. See Manage Pending Amenity Reservations.
Create a Timetable
Reservable amenities need a timetable to tell the system the times to populate and open for reservations.
To create a timetable, please follow the steps below:
1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.
2. Click the gear icon, then click Timetables.
3. Click + New Timetable.
4. Enter a timetable Name. Be specific when naming your timetable so that this is easy to reference when adding to amenities or amenity passes, such as Tennis Court #1, Bocce Ball Tues/Thurs, Personal Training. If a timetable can be reused for multiple locations, consider naming to match, such as Tuesday Fitness or Saturday Amenities.
5. Click + Add Row to add times.
6. Use the menus to create the applicable Time Slots for each duration needed.
- a. Example: 9:00am - 10:30am.
7. Continue clicking + Add Row when you need to add new times.
- a. Example: 10:30am - 12:00pm.
8. Click Save.
Update a Timetable
To update a timetable, please follow the steps below:
- In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.
- Click the gear icon, then click Timetables.
- Find and click the Name of the timetable you need to update.
- Update as needed.
- Click Save.