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Reservation Restrictions

What are Reservation Restrictions?

Reservation Restrictions allow a community to regulate the amount of reservations a user can make on particular amenities or events within a set amount of time. With this feature, admins can limit the number of reservations on Events and Amenity Reservation pages. A user can select multiple reservations, and the system self-corrects daily to remove and cancel any reservations that have exceeded the restriction number.

To configure, see Create a Reservation Restriction.

Create a Reservation Restriction

To create a new Reservation Restriction, please follow the steps below:

1. In the admin sidebar, find and select Reservation Restrictions.

2. Click + New Reservation Restriction.

3. Use Select P&A field to choose the Page(s) you wish to limit.

4. Use Select Event field to choose the Event(s) you wish to limit.

5. Enter the number of reservations Allowed Per Group.

6. Enter Allowed Days to specify the number of days in between reservations.

7. Click Save.

Delete a Reservation Restriction

To delete an existing Reservation Restriction, please follow the steps below:

1. In the admin sidebar, find and select Reservation Restrictions.

2. Select the reservation restriction you wish to delete by clicking the pencil icon.

3. Remove the pages and/or events for this restriction by clicking X next to each value within Select P&A or Select Event fields.

4. Click Save.

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