Marketplace Followers
What are Marketplace Followers?
Marketplace Followers are a list of users that have requested to follow any Marketplace page of their choice. App users can follow a Marketplace page to receive updates from the business via push notifications or email newsletters.
All followers for all Marketplace pages are viewable from the Marketplace Followers menu. Once a user has followed a page, the master admin can also use the Marketplace Followers menu area to manage any user's follow status on any Marketplace page.
To view or change a user's follow status for a page, see Manage Marketplace Followers.
To learn more about following, see Follow a Marketplace Page.
To manage the follow feature for a Marketplace page, see Enable Following on a Marketplace Page.
Manage Marketplace Followers
Marketplace Followers can self-manage their enrollment in the app using Follow or Unfollow options in the app. If a follower requests assistance to manage their follow status for one or more Marketplace pages, a master administrator may change the follower status.
To manually cancel a follower request, please follow the steps below:
- In the Admin sidebar, find and select Marketplace Followers.
- View the list of followers. Users that have tapped Follow or Sign Up to Follow for any Marketplace page where Join Required is enabled will appear with Status = Active.
- Click Open for any active row.
- To cancel the request, scroll to the bottom, then click Cancel. This changes the status to Cancelled. Cancelled users no longer receive push notifications or newsletters from this Marketplace page.
To reactivate cancelled follower requests, please follow the steps below:
- In the Admin sidebar, find and select Marketplace Followers.
- View the list of followers. Users that have tapped Unfollow for any Marketplace page where Join Required is enabled will appear with Status = Cancelled.
- Click Open for any cancelled row.
- To activate the request, scroll to the bottom, then click Activate. This changes the status to Active. Active users receive push notifications or newsletters from this Marketplace page.
Activating a cancelled follow request should only be completed when a user requests assistance with re-enrolling. Enrolling a cancelled subscription without permission is considered a direct violation of the CAN-SPAM Act.