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What are Pages?

The Pages menu contains three types of page options:

  1. Location / Amenity / Page: Use this page type to create informational pages about your community or area or location-based pages that describe an amenity or a place with an address. Often these are called Place pages or P&A pages.
  2. Club: Use this page type to share Club details with your app users. Additional details on how to join a club, actions like Request to Join, and events are also viewed from this page type.
  3. Marketplace: Use this page type to create a page that can be followed by your app users. When enabled, users can tap Follow or Sign Up to Follow to be included as recipients of push notifications or email newsletters relating to each page of this type.

All pages appear within Custom Menus in the app, or can be optionally pinned to the Home feed.

Within the Location / Amenity / Page option, you can create three major types of pages:

  1. Location Pages: Location pages are used for any park, amenity, clubhouse, or general location within the community. Events at a specific location, like the Community Room, can be tied to the location pages.
  2. Reservable Location Pages: Reserving locations like tennis or pickleball courts, scheduling an appointment at the spa, or booking a session with a personal trainer is possible through pages.
  3. Information Pages: Pages can also be used for sharing information with your app users. This includes community news or updates, My HOA, any forms or documents, how-to pages, and more.

To configure location pages, see Create a Location Page.

To configure reservable location pages, see Create a Reservable Location Page.

To configure informational pages, see Create an Information Page.

To configure clubs, see Create a New Club Page.

To configure Marketplace pages, see Create a Marketplace Page.

Update Page Details

To update Page details, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.
  2. Find and edit the desired page you wish to update.
  3. Update information as needed. Fields differ based upon the page type. For details on page types, see What are Pages?
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then click Save.

Check the mobile app after Save to ensure updates are applied correctly.

Delete a Page

To delete a Page, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.
  2. Find and edit the page you wish to delete.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then click x Delete.

If events are tied to the page, you will need to remove the location from the event before deleting.

Find a Page

To find a Page, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.
  2. In the Search Locations / Amenities / Pages field, type a word in the page name, then click Search.
  3. Click the desired page.

Within the Locations / Amenities / Pages list, you can also sort pages by clicking any column like Type, Name, Address, or Updated.

Page Not Visible in the App

If a page is not displaying in the app, please follow the steps below:

1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Pages.

2. Find and select the desired page.

3. Configure at least one of the following:

- a. One or more Custom Menus are selected on the page. This adds the page to the applicable menu in the app.

- i. If the page is already tied to a Custom Menu, it may be hidden from the user role. See Hide or Show a Custom Menu.

- b. One or more Triggers are selected on the page. This adds the page to the Home feed of the app.

- i. If the appropriate Trigger(s) is assigned, check the number of pages pinned to the Home feed. If there are already five pages pinned to the Home feed, you will need to remove the trigger from one of the pages in order to show your page on the Home feed. See Use Triggers on a Page.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then click Save.


Check the mobile app after Save to ensure pages are visible as expected.

Use Triggers on a Page

Pages can be pinned to the Home feed. This is primarily used for Information Pages. Pinning pages to the Home feed provides residents quick access to information like Community Updates, Amenity Passes Reservations, My HOA news, Recent Push Notifications, and more.


Communities should pin pages that provide valuable information the community team wants residents to see upon opening the app.

To pin a page to the Home feed, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the Admin, find and select Pages.
  2. Find and edit the desired information page.
  3. Click Triggers to select one or more applicable Triggers. See What are Triggers? for details.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then click Save.

Upon the next run of the trigger, the page will be associated to applicable users. Triggers run automatically once per day, or see Run Triggers Manually.

Pinned page(s) appear at the top of the app Home feed. Multiple Pages are shown in a carousel format, allowing a user to swipe left or right to view the options.


A max of five pages can be pinned to the Home feed per user role for logged in users. A max of three pages can be pinned to the Home feed for the guest view. Pinned pages can be switched out at any time.

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