What are Newsletters?
Newsletters allow businesses to create and send targeted email messages to their followers. Use Newsletters to customize email templates using text and images, create emails and send those messages at any date and time to followers.
To configure, see Create a Newsletter.
Create a Newsletter
To create a new Newsletter, please follow the steps below:
1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Newsletters.
2. Click +Create and Schedule.
3. Enter a Name. This is for internal use only.
4. Enter an optional Description. This is for internal use only.
5. Enter the Email Subject. This will be visible to the newsletter recipient.
6. Adjust the Template Content to create the body of the email message.
a. The standard community template is shown when creating the first message.
b. Subsequent messages will populate with the previous version.
7. Set the date and time of delivery using the Deliver At menus.
8. Select the applicable checkboxes for one or more User Groups to indicate the recipients of the newsletter.
9. Click Save.
To adjust the newsletter details or send a test message, see Modify a Newsletter.
Upon creation of a new email, the previous email sent automatically populates in the email builder.
Newsletter performance analytics are available after the email is sent. See Review Newsletter Performance.
Modify a Newsletter
To edit an email prior to delivery or delete any email from the list, please follow the steps below:
1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Newsletters.
2. Find the email you wish to edit or delete.
3. To edit: Click the pencil icon, adjust the details of the email, then click Save.
4. To delete: Select the checkbox for the correct row, then click the trash icon. Click OK to confirm.
Review Newsletter Performance
To view performance analytics for any newsletter that has been sent, please follow the steps below:
1. In the Admin sidebar, find and select Newsletters.
2. Find the email you wish to view.
3. Once an email has been sent, the list view includes statistics for each message.
a. Opens: This is the number of times the email has been viewed by recipients, shown as a percentage.
b. Clicks: This is the number of times the recipients have clicked on the various links within the emails, shown as a percentage.
4. Click the people icon to view each recipient of the message and the status of that send. Options may include:
a. Dropped: Recorded when the email send will not be attempted, typically due to spam content or unsubscribe requests.
b. Deferred: Recorded when the email delivery is pending due to the inability to be delivered immediately.
c. Bounce: Recorded when the server cannot or will not deliver a message.
d. Sent: Recorded when the email is accepted to the recipient address server. This does not guarantee that the recipient sees the message.
e. Opened: Recorded when the recipient views the email with images turned on.
5. Export this information as needed by clicking Export to CSV.